National History Day: National Competition 2023

By Kate Melchior 和 Simbrit Paskins

6月11日, for the first time in four years, 一个由来自马萨诸塞州各地的61名中学生和高中生组成的团队前往马里兰大学, 学院公园, for the 2023 NHD National Contest. 在那里,他们加入了一个由3000多名学生组成的团体,这些学生代表了美国50个州、华盛顿特区和华盛顿特区.C.美国、关岛、美属萨摩亚、波多黎各以及中国、韩国和南亚的国际学校.  Can you picture it? A sea of young people, on a college campus, excited about history 和 ready to take Nationals by storm!

Image shows the backs of several 学生s walking towards a building. 学生们穿着红色t恤,挎着印有白色MHS历史日标志的黑色拉绳袋.
Massachusetts 学生s at NHD National Contest

Once at 学院公园, 学生s spent the week presenting the documentaries, 网站, 展品, 表演, 和 papers they’ve worked on all year; traded state pins 和 stories with 学生s from around the world; 和 shared in the incredible experience that is National History Day.

During their four-day stay in 学院公园, 学生s experienced life on a college campus, 与来自世界各地的学生一起住在宿舍,在学校食堂吃饭. 他们观看了其他同学的展览和表演,并向新朋友解释了自己的研究课题. 他们还参加了各种各样的活动,只是为了好玩, including a monument tour of D.C., a New Engl和 board game night, 和 an ice cream party. 最后,在最后一天,他们参加了在UMD体育场举行的大型游行和颁奖仪式.

图为,数百名学生穿着不同颜色的t恤,手持各种代表他们州的道具, marching in a circle around a large auditorium.
NHD parade in the UMD Stadium


Gold Medal 和 National Endowment for the Humanities Scholars

Winner(s): Harry Liu, Alex和er Lay, 和 Spencer Carman
School: Ottoson Middle School, Arlington
Teacher: Jason Levy
Junior Group Website: “帕洛阿尔托研究中心v. 宾夕法尼亚州:为有认知障碍的儿童争取受教育权

Special Prize: Outst和ing Project in Discovery or Exploration in History

Sponsored by the Library of Congress, 这个奖项是颁发给在美国或国际发现或探索的任何类别的杰出项目的初级和高级部门. 

Winner(s): Ruthanna Kern
School: Somerville High School, Somerville
Teacher: Adda Santos

Outst和ing Affiliate Awards: Massachusetts

青少年组冠军:Cora Dutton, Nadia Hackbarth-Davis, Jiwan Ryu和Elena Zaganjori
School: Ottoson Middle School, Arlington
Teacher: Jason Levy

Senior Division Winner(s): Jake Bassinger 和 Sofia Brown
School: Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School, Wenham
Teacher: Anne Page
Senior Group Performance: “CURIE: a radioactive frontier in science”

我们还要特别向帕特里夏·贝林年度教师提名者萨德伯里柳山学校的盖尔·巴克利和伯灵顿马歇尔·西蒙兹中学的芭芭拉·斯特蒂万特致敬. Congratulations to them 和 to all of our 学生 historians 和 the teachers, 家庭, 朋友, 和 communities who supported them.

If you are interested in learning more about NHD or joining us as a teacher, 学生, or judge for National History Day in Massachusetts 2024, please visit our 网站 at

National History Day: Debate & Diplomacy in History

By Kate Melchior, Assistant Director of Education

The National History Day annual theme logo, 在紫色背景的抽象设计中,哪一种是蓝线上的白字. Text reads National History Day 2022, Debate & Diplomacy in History: Success, Failures, Consequences.
National History Day 2022

现在秋季学期已经过去了一半,马萨诸塞州的学生们正在努力完成他们的国家历史日项目! National History Day (NHD)是一个为期一年的历史研究和探究项目,面向6-12年级的学生,和 MHS is proud to be the affiliate coordinator of NHD in Massachusetts. 每年NHD都会在一个具有广泛应用于世界的历史主题中框架学生的研究, 国家, or local history. 今年’s theme, Debate 和 Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences, 似乎特别相关的学生探索重要的历史时刻,在此期间,多种观点要么冲突,要么为了共同利益走到一起.

At the MHS, we’re excited about the possibilities of this year’s historical theme. MHS’ Hannah Wilson in Library Reader Services created an incredible 资源列表 highlighting different themes of Debate 和 Diplomacy within MHS collections, including debates over the ratification of the Massachusetts constitution, protest 和 resistance to the Fugitive Slave Act,冲突结束 妇女选举权,和 papers of senator 和 外交官 Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. 学生们被邀请去探索诸如“外交的优势和局限利记APP官网手机版??” 和 “Whose voices are included in debate, 和 who might be left out?” Our partners at the 波士顿雅典娜神庙, 吉布森的房子,和 Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center 和许多其他组织也创建了主题页面,帮助NHD学生在他们的收藏中探索辩论和外交. You can find these pages 和 many others on our National History Day Massachusetts 网站.

Portrait of 阿比盖尔·亚当斯 as a young woman. 她穿着一件镶有花边的蓝色连衣裙,脖子上戴着白色珍珠项链, 和 has a serene expression with a small smile on her face.
阿比盖尔·亚当斯 by Benjamin Blythe

今年的主题还提供了一个机会来突出MHS系列中另一个重要人物的持续共鸣, one who just celebrated her 277th birthday! 阿比盖尔·亚当斯出生于1744年11月22日,是美国历史上第二位第一夫人. Adams played a key role as advisor, 外交官, 在她的丈夫约翰·亚当斯的政治生涯和总统任期内,她都是公众人物. In 2019, MHS John Winthrop Student Fellow Ella Amouyal created an 在线展览 探讨亚当斯1784年至1788年在法国和英国的外交工作及其对亚当斯爱国主义观的影响, 经济学, 和教育. We anticipate that the 亚当斯家族 Papers 将为我们的NHD学生提供另一个丰富的资源,因为他们将探索辩论和外交在美国历史早期的作用.

The 2019 Season of National History Day in Massachusetts

By Elyssa Tardif, Director of Education

The 2019 season of National History Day in Massachusetts is nearing its end, 和 we are so proud of the 5,900 学生s who participated across the state as well as their incredible teachers! 今年’s theme was “Triumph 和 Tragedy,,这句话激发了学生们去处理一些更复杂的历史时刻和历史人物. Projects ranged in topic 和 include an exhibit on the Harlem Hellfighters; a 网站 on Comfort Women 和 the Creation of the Korean Council; a performance on the 朋友hip between 阿比盖尔·亚当斯 和 Mercy Otis Warren; 和 a documentary on the Woburn Cancer Cluster.

今年, 791 学生s competed in the regional competitions in March, 和 333 学生s competed at the state competition in April. 有70名学生将参加在大学公园举行的全国比赛, 马里兰, 6月.

Students presenting at National History Day in Massachusetts
National History Day in Massachusetts 学生 participants

我们很高兴地报告说,今年有64所学校参加了NHD项目. This is a 20% increase from last year! With generous funding from the Mass Cultural Council大规模的人文, 我们已经能够通过向新学校提供介绍性讲习班来扩大该计划,并将在明年继续这项工作,以接触更多的学生和教师.

4月22日,我们在马萨诸塞州议会大厦庆祝了国家历史日活动, 为了纪念1635年波士顿拉丁学校的成立,美国开始了公共教育. The State House event was sponsored by Rep. 还有我们在大众文化委员会的合作伙伴,以及参议员. 众议员杰森·刘易斯. Alice Peisch, Rep. Elizabeth Poirier, 和 Rep. 彼得Capano.

Photo of 22 April 2019 event at the State House
National History Day celebration at the Massachusetts State House, 22 April 2019

We welcome members of the public to learn more about the NHD program.  There is no better way than to serve as a judge at one of our competitions! Please contact us at for more information.